Klaus Grunert

Klaus G. Grunert is Professor of Marketing at Aarhus University, and is the founder of the MAPP Research Center. He has done extensive research in the area of consumer behaviour, mostly with regard to food, and in making consumer insight useful in areas like new product development, market communication and public policy campaigns aimed at healthy and sustainable eating or other socially desirable behaviours. In particular, he has done research on quality perception and food choice, healthy eating, effects of nutrition labeling and of health claims, public acceptance of biotechnology, on how insight into consumer behaviour feeds into product development processes in food producing companies, and on competence development in the food industry. As director of MAPP, he has carried out numerous collaboration projects with the food industry, including several pan-European studies, and has participated in or led many EU FP projects. Having an h-index of 89, he is the author of 12 books, more than 200 academic papers in international refereed journals and numerous other publications. Klaus is a past president of the European Marketing Academy and was professor of the European Institute for Advanced Studies in Management.