Clémentine Thabuis decided to study biology and how organisms work in high school, that’s why she decided to integrate the « Classes préparatoires aux grandes Ecoles » after getting her bachelor. After 2 years of preparation, she was able to enter an Agronomy Engineering school in Rennes (AgroCampus Ouest) and after 2 years of general agronomy she decided to go for a specialization in Microbiology and Biochemistry in another agronomy school (AgroParisTech). The focus of this specialization was to apply the new biotechnological tools to industries. It led naturally Clémentine to an internship at Nestlé Research Center in Lausanne on the biotransformation of fatty acids derivatives.
The learnings of this internship were then used to construct and start a PhD project around Satietogenic fatty acids derivatives and their mechanisms of action. This PhD sponsored by Nestlé, took place at INRAE in Marseille (Lipid Nutrients Unit). Clémentine obtained her PhD in 2009 and was then hired by ROQUETTE, plant-based ingredients producer, to manage the Nutrition and health laboratory. After 8 years at this position, Clémentine had the opportunity to move to the Research Manager position for the Nutrition and Health R&D, dedicated to fiber research. She is contributing to the development of new fibers with health benefits to enlarge ROQUETTE portfolio.