After completing his Ph.D. in the area of gut microbiome-dietary fiber in Food Science Department (Hamaker's lab) at Purdue University in 2016, Dr. Yunus E. Tuncil joined the laboratories of Drs. Bruce Hamaker and Stephen Lindemann at Purdue University as a Postdoctoral Research Associate where he worked on dietary fiber chemistry and its effect on colonic microbiota structure related to the concept of human health. Dr. Tuncil is then joined Food Engineering Department at Ordu University in Turkey as a faculty member (an assistant professor). Dr. Tuncil is currently an Associate Professor in Food Engineering Department at Necmettin Erbakan University in Konya, Turkey, where he continues working on dietary fiber and colonic microbiota interactions. He is currently a PI of six different projects on the fiber-microbiome area that are governmental, international and internally supported.